
Zodomus is a channel manager API created to provide easy and affordable access to OTA's (Online Travel Agencies, like Booking, Expedia and Airbnb).

A channel manager is a tool that allows access to Rates, Availability and Bookings from any connected channel.

To use Zodomus in production you will need to have previous access to OTA properties and to associate Zodomus as a channel manager in some OTA's or provide us your autentication data to access the OTA's (depends on the OTA's channel manager proceedings).

However you can test Zodomus and prepare your code using our sandbox until you have access to real properties in OTA's.

Since we are also Content API certified you will be able to create and modify properties, rooms and rates.

Zodomus also provide more advanced OTA APIs like:

- Promotions,
- Guest reviews,
- Opportunities,
- Reporting,
- Guest Communications

as provided by the OTA's.

Zodomus OTA certifications
Booking certified partner since 2019.

Expedia certified partner.

Airbnb certified partner.

Other OTA's will be available soon.

Get started
Registration and access to our sandbox for testing is free.
After registration you get immediate access to Zodomus backoffice.
On the development tab you can get your API Keys to start testing our API functions.
All available API functions can and should be used in test mode.
You can also manually create reservations to use in test mode.
A list of Zodomus API's

Account API's

Access account data and list of channels

Operation Description
GET /account

Get account information

GET /channels

Get a list of current active channels

GET /currencies

Get a list of current currencies

GET /price-model

Get a list of price models

Mapping API's

Mapping properties, rooms and rates from the channel

Operation Description
POST /property-activation

Activate a channel property with Zodomus

POST /property-cancellation

Cancel a channel property with Zodomus

POST /property-check

Check a property with Zodomus

POST /rooms-activation

Activate the property rooms and rates and map them with Zodomus

POST /rooms-cancellation

Cancel property rooms associated with Zodomus

Airbnb Mapping API's

Mapping Airbnb hosts and properties

Operation Description
POST /airbnb-host-activation

Activate a host with Zodomus

POST /airbnb-host-cancellation

Cancel an Airbnb host with Zodomus

GET /airbnb-host-status

Get the status of an Airbnb Host with Zodomus

GET /airbnb-host-info/a>

Get the account information of an Airbnb Host with Zodomus

GET /airbnb-listings

Get a list of listings from the Airbnb Host Zodomus

Rates and Availability API's

Rates and Availability APIs

Set Rates and Availabilties for your rooms and rates

Operation Description
GET /room-rates

Get a list of rooms and rates for the corresponding channel / property

GET /availability

Get the rooms availability for the corresponding channel / property / dates

POST /availability

Set your availability in the defined channel / property / room

POST /rates

Set rates for your channel / property / room /rate

POST /rates-derived

Set rates (derived) for your channel / property / room /rate

Reservation API's

Reservation APIs

Create test reservations and handle production reservations from OTAs

Operation Description
GET /reservations-queue

Get a list of reservations

GET /reservations

Get a reservation

GET /reservations-cc

Get a reservation credit card info.

GET /reservations-summary

Get a list of future reservations

POST /reservations-createtest

Create a test reservation for your test property (only used in tests)

Content API's

Content APIs

Create and manage properties, rooms and rates (some APIs are only available on some OTAs)

Operation Description
GET /property

Get a list of properties or detail about a property (Only in Expedia)

POST /property

Create or modify a property (only in Booking)

POST /property-status

Set your property status (only in Booking)

GET /room

Get a list of rooms or a specific room (only in Expedia)

POST /room

Create or modify a room (Booking and Expedia)

POST /room-status

Set room status (only in Booking).

GET /rate

Get a list of rates or a specific rate (only in Expedia)

POST /rate

Create or modify a rate (Booking and Expedia)

POST /product

Create, modify or delete a product (only in Booking).

Booking Content tables API's

Booking Content table API functions (a full list of tables is shown inside our documentation)

Operation Description
GET /booking-property-types

Get a list of items from the table

Expedia Content tables API's

Expedia Content table API functions (a full list of tables is shown inside our documentation)

Operation Description
GET /expedia-room-types

Get a list of items from the table

Booking Opportunities

Booking opportunities APIs

Use the Opportunity API to retrieve actionable opportunities for your connected properties.
Opportunities helps you identify ways to improve your property's performance and your guests experiences

Operation Description
GET /opportunities

Get a list of opportunities for a specific property

POST /opportunities

POST a reply to an opportunity

Booking Guest Reviews

Booking Guest Reviews APIs

Use the Review API to retrieve a property's reviews, render them in your interface, and let the property reply.
Publicly replying to reviews is a great way for properties to show they care about their guests experiences and potentially attract more bookings.

Operation Description
GET /reviews

Get a list or a specific guest review

GET /reviews-score

GET a review score for a specific property

POST /reviews

POST a guest review reply

Booking Reporting

Booking Reporting APIs

Use the Reporting API to report the following types of changes to a reservation:
- Guest provided invalid credit card
- Changes to check-out date and/or price
- Cancellation due to guest no-show
- Cancellation due to invalid credit card

Operation Description
GET /reporting-misconduct-categories

Get a list of misconduct categories

POST /reporting

POST a specific report (isNoShow, StayChange guestMisconduct, ccIsInvalid,...)

Booking Promotions

Booking Promotions APIs

The Promotions API enables you to create and manage promotions.
Promotions are special prices that a property can offer during a certain time window, or to a certain type of booker

Operation Description
POST /promotions

Create or update a promotion

GET /promotions

Get a list of promotions

GET /promotion-channels

Get a list of promotion channels

POST /activate-promotion

Activate a promotion

POST /deactivate-promotion

Deactivate a promotion

It's easy to use our API's
Zodomus API's are REST API's with JSON requests and responses.
On the API reference, available after registration, you can get a detailed reference for each API.

Our API endpoint is :

All your API calls must use HTTPS and TLS 1.2
Zodomus uses Basic Authentication, with the API User and API Password keys provided in the backoffice.

Let's see some examples to call one simple API :, to get a list of active channels.

                    curl -u api_key_user:api_key_password -i -H 'Accept:application/json'
Guzzle (Http client for PHP):
                      $credentials = base64_encode($api_key_user.":".$api_key_password);
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->request('GET',$url, [
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => ['Basic '.$credentials],
'Content-type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF8'
                      import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
r ='', auth=HTTPBasicAuth('api_key_user', 'api_key_password'))
                      WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(@"");
                      req.Method = "GET";
                      req.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("api_key_user:api_key_password"));
                      HttpWebResponse resp = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;

If you need support with any programming language, please send an email to our support.
Unlimited access to our API's during tests
You can use Zodomus sandbox for as long as you need.
You can also access all our API's and prepare your App to production.
Our support team is available during tests if you need.
Access to production
To get access to production you need to have tested all API's in test mode with no errors at least once.
You also need to pass our certification tests in order to go to production.
To pass our certification you should call our support so that we can follow with you all the steps needed to pass certification.
You can find more information about certification and access to production after registration.
PCI complaince and security
Anyone involved with the processing, transmission or storage of credit card data must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

Zodomus is PCI DSS compliant to store credit card data.

PCI compliance is a shared responsibility and applies to both Zodomus and your business.
If you are not PCI DSS compliant you should not store card data in your system, you should use Zodomus to access card data and not store it.
All our users must validate their PCI compliance if they need to access credit card data in Production.
If you don't store card data, usually you can do this with a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) provided by the PCI Security Standards Council.

If you need any help regarding security call our support team.

Your API calls must use HTTPS and a modern version of TLS (TLS 1.2 or bigger).
You get can a free certificate at Let's Encrypt or any other provider. TLS can be easily setup if you are a developer, but if you need help, please call our support.
You can check your SSL security using Qualys SSL Labs to make sure you have everything set up in a secure way.
More information and support
More information and an API reference with all API's is available after registration in our backoffice.
Support is available during tests and production.